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Air Pressure Meter ... See Handhelds
Low Pressure Transducer
... See Pressure Transducers
Pressure Transducer
... See Pressure Transducers
Pressure Transmitter
... See Pressure Transducers
Low Pressure Transmitter
... See Pressure Transmitters
Galvanic Isolator, DIN Rail
H-24, H-26, H-36 (D),(U)
Gas Actuated Bulb Temperature Recorder
F-120 (D), S-118 (T)
... See Recorders
Gas Circulating Heater
... See Heater, Circulating
Gas, Conversion Factors Information,
Mass Flow D-9 (F)
Gas, Flow Meter
Pitot Tube G-11...G-13 (F)
Vortex, High Performance G-4...G-9 (F)
Gas Turbine Theory
Book, Mechanical Engineering Y-4 (P)
Gas Valve, Proportional SS Wetted Parts
L-19 (P)
Gaseous Pollutants: Characterization and
Cycling, Book, Environmental Engineering
164 (G)
Pressure ... See Pressure Gauges
Pressure Digital C-7 (P)
Rain Economical L-14 (E)
Rain/Snow Tipping Bucket
L-13 (E), 154 (G)
Tester, Portable D-80 (P)
Gauss Meter
Handheld, Compact ELF 36 (G), K-97 (T)
Handheld, ELF/VLF 35 (G), K-95 (T)
Handheld, Triaxial 36 (G), K-96 (T)

Gear Pump ... See Pumps
Gel-Filled Electrode ... See Electrodes
Gel/Liquid Filled Electrode ... See Electrodes
Gender Changer, 25 Pin
... See Accessories, Communication
General Analysis Test Kit ... See Test Kits
General Purpose
Accelerometer ... See Accelerometers
Analog Input Plug-in Board
... See Computer Boards
Electrode ... See Electrodes
Glass Thermometer
... See Glass Thermometers
Handheld ... See Meters
Kit ... See Accessories
Meter ... See Handhelds
Pressure Switch ... See Switches
Probe & Test Lead Kit ... See Kits
Rotameter ... See Rotameters
RTD Probe N-14 (E), C-6 (T)
RTD Probe, Molded Handle
124 (G), C-6, C-10 (T)
RTD Probe, Quick Disconnect C-9 (T)
Solenoid Valve ... See Valves
Test Thermowell B-25 (T)
Thermistor Probe, 400 Series
N-5 (E), 124 (G), D-6 (T)
Thermistor Probe, 400 Series
Quick Disconnect D-5 (T)
Thermistor Probe, 700 Series D-14 (T)
Thermistor Probe, 700 Series
Quick Disconnect D-13 (T)
Thermistor Probe, Epoxy Tipped 700 Series
D-14 (T)
Thermistor Probe, Vinyl Tipped 700 Series
D-14 (T)
Thermocouple Probe ... See Thermocouples
Thermocouple Probe, Handle Style
126 (G), A-71, A-77 (T)
Thermocouple Probe, Heavy Duty
A-53 (T)
Thermocouple Probe, Low Noise Miniature
A-37 (T)
Thermocouple Probe, Low Noise
Quick Disconnect 125 (G), A-25 (T)
Thermocouple Probe, Miniature
126 (G), A-44 (T)
Thermocouple Probe, Quick Disconnect
N-11 (E), A-76 (T)
Thermocouple Probe, Surface A-55 (T)
Thermocouple Probe, Transition Joint
125 (G), A-43 (T)
Transducer, Anemometer, Air Velocity
D-16 (F), 3 (G), K-11 (E)
Transition Joint RTD Probe ... See RTDs
Valve ... See Valves
General Service Pressure Gauge
... See Pressure Gauges

Relative Humidity Hu-22 (T)
Steam Industrial Compact N-21 (H)
Glass Body
Electrode ... See Electrodes
RTD Element C-17, C-18 (T)
Glass Braid, Insulated Thermocouple Wire
H-19...H-32 (T)
Glass Insulated Wire
... See Heater, Hook-up Wire
Glass Membrane Electrode ... See Electrodes
Glass Thermometer
M-18...M-36 (E),
N-31...N-51 (H), E-5...E-24 (T)
ASTM Certified
M-17...M-24 (E),
N-31...N-38 (H), E-5...E-12 (T)
ASTM Certified, Set
M-24 (E), N-38 (H), E-12 (T)
Care, Use and Calibration Information
M-15 (E), N-29 (H), E-3 (T)
Economical M-35 (E), N-49 (H), E-23 (T)
General Purpose
M-35 (E), N-49 (H), E-23 (T)
General Purpose, Economical
M-35 (E), N-49 (H), E-23 (T)
Mercury Filled
M-17 (E), N-31 (H), E-5 (T)
Mercury Filled Red Magnified
M-29 (E), N-43 (H), E-17 (T)
Mercury Filled Yellow Back
M-17 (E), N-31 (H), E-5 (T)
M-17 (E), N-31 (H), E-5 (T)
Precision Red Magnified, Mercury Filled
M-33 (E), N-47 (H), E-21 (T)
Precision, Mercury Reference
R-39 (H), K-14 (T)
Precision, Red Magnified
M-33 (E), N-47 (H), E-21 (T)
Precision, Yellow Back
M-31 (E), N-45 (H), E-19 (T)
Red Magnified
N-43, N-47, N-48 (H),
E-17, E-21, E-22 (T)
Red Magnified, Mercury Filled
M-29 (E), N-43 (H), E-17 (T)
Red Safety Liquid Filled
M-30 (E), N-44 (H), E-18 (T)
Thermowell B-23, B-24, E-34 (T)
White Back
M-27, M-28 (E),
N-41, N-42 (H), E-15, E-16 (T)
Yellow Back
M-25, M-31, M-32 (E), N-40, N-45,
N-46 (H), E-14, E-19, E-20 (T)
Yellow Back, Mercury Filled
M-31 (E), N-45 (H), E-19 (T)
Glass Thermometer Accessories
M-37 (E), N-51 (H), E-25 (T)
Armor Case M-37 (E), N-51 (H), E-25 (T)
Magnifiers M-37 (E), N-51 (H), E-25 (T)
Mercury Spill Kit
M-37 (E), N-51 (H), E-25 (T)
Glass Tube Rotameter ... See Rotameters
Glass Wrap Insulated Thermocouple Wire
H-19...H-32 (T)
Glass/Teflon Insulted Thermocouple Wire
H-19...H-32 (T)
Global Warning, Global Warming
Book, Environmental Engineering 161 (G)
of Measurement and Control Terms
Z-3 (T)
of Technical Terms Z-1 (P)
of LVDT Terms Z-74 (P)
of Technical Terms
Z-29 (D),Z-36 (E), Z-3 (F),(H), Z-25 (U)
Gluteraldehyde Test Kit ... See Test Kits
Gold Atomic Iron
1/8 DIN Meter ... See Meters
Benchtop Meter ... See Benchtop Meters
Fine Diameter Teflon Insulated Wire
... See Wire
Thermocouple H-22 (T)
Gold Electrode ... See Electrodes
Gold Plated Pin
Multi-pin Connector K-6 (D), G-46 (T)
Sub-D Connector K-8 (D), G-43 (T)
Gold Plated Socket
Multi-pin Connector K-6 (D), G-46 (T)
Sub-D Connector K-8 (D), G-43 (T)
Gooseneck Mounting Kit Infrared Accessories
J-51, J-52 (T)
Grab Seal
Ferrule See Accessories, ... See Fittings
Gripper See Accessories, ... See Fittings
Ground Strap
Miniature Low Noise Connector G-6 (T)
Standard Low Noise Connector G-10 (T)
Groundwater Chemicals Desk Reference, Vol
Book, Environmental Engineering
Y-5 (E), 170 (G)
Groundwater Chemicals Desk Reference, Vol II
Book, Environmental Engineering
Y-5 (E), 170 (G)
Groundwater Contamination and Analysis at
Hazardous Waste Sites
Book, Environmental Engineering
Y-5 (E), 170 (G)
Groundwater Sensor
Economical K-19 (E), K-101 (F)
Portable System K-20 (E), K-103 (F)
Groundwater Sensor
Guide, Application
Cartridge Heater D-4 (H)
Over-the-Side Immersion Heater F-69 (H)
Guide, Heating Cable Specifying Piping
Systems B-7 (H)
Guide, Selection
Analog Input Cards D1-1 (D),(U)
Analog Output Cards D2-1 (D),(U)
Auto-Dialer G-3 (D),(U)
Automatic Remote Dialer G-3 (D),(U)
Circulating Heater G-4 (H)
Counter Timer Cards D3-1 (D),(U)
Digital I/O D3-1 (D),(U)
IEEE-488 Controllers D4-1 (D),(U)
Immersion Heater F-5 (H)
Multi-Function Cards D1-1 (D),(U)
Over-the-Side Heater F-69 (H)
Recorders F-3 (D),(U)
Signal Conditioner H-3 (D),(U)
Software B-3 (D),(U)
Static Mixers H-105 (E)
Strip Heater C-3 (H)
Guide, Technical Reference Heating Cable
B-3 (H)
Guidelines for Laboratory Design
Safety Book Y-9 (H)
Gum Rubber Tubing ... See Tubing
Gun, Infrared
Handheld ... See Infrareds
Handheld with Sighting Scope
... See Infrareds
Gas, Flow Meter
Gauss Meter
General Purpose
Glass Body
Glass Thermometer
Glass Thermometer Accessories
Gold Atomic Iron
Gold Plated Pin
Gold Plated Socket
Grab Seal
Ground Strap
Groundwater Sensor
Guide, Application
Guide, Selection
Gun, Infrared

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